Stranger: hi asl
You: hii
You: 18 f rus
Stranger: horny ?
You: ?
You: what?
Stranger: am 18 male usa
Stranger: are u horny ?
You: no
You: none
Stranger: u understand what horny mean ?
You: no
Stranger: it means that u feel u need a male to have sex with u
You: O_o im virgin
Stranger: well
Stranger: first
Stranger: i want to apologize
Stranger: second can we be friends ?
You: yeah
Stranger: do u have facebook ?
You: no
You: no myspace
You: have
You: rus social net
You: =)
Stranger: do u have msn ?
Stranger: or yahoo
Stranger: or skype ?
You: no
You: icq
You: no microfone=(
You: you?
Stranger: i have msn , yahoo , skype , facebook
Stranger: u can download skype
Stranger: it will not take a mint
Stranger: will u ?
Stranger: bec u know am interested in u ..
You: тщ
You: no
You: =)
You: я зарегестрируюсь
You: I register
You: to facebook
Stranger: registeration and downloading will not take a mint in skype
You: hehe you contakt more?
кароче я тут поп13дел, может кинете фоток там и регу на фейсбуке